Thursday, April 16, 2009

Calendar anyone?

So today is the 16th, huh?

Way after I posted my last blog, while chatting with other mommies, I was informed today is the 16th.

So, for those of you who I wrongfully challenged to read Proverbs 15...go that one and the 16th and call it a day!

Greg read to us yesterday, so when I picked up mine today and it had the marker at 15...well, I assumed it was the 15th and read and blogged as if it were indeed the 15th.

However - it is the 16th - so the children and I will be doing some more reading in just a few moments...and you guessed it...we'll be reading Proverbs 16!

Hope to be challenged, encouraged, uplifted, convicted, or all of the above...although I needed to hear Proverbs 15:1 today, so I'll not chalk that up to mishap!

I am thankful for a blessed day, and also thankful that it is almost time to call it a day!

Proverbs 15

Last year on this very day, my mother, my sister Indy, her step-daughter Kelci, her daughter Raven, her son Sawyer, my son Ethan, and my daughter Emma, and myself traveled to Lewisburg for some fun little shopping at their cute shops and a lunch at Food & Friends.

I remember this because it was April 15th, and my tax preparer is in Lewisburg. I had to go and pick up my taxes and mail them out by deadline!

Just thought I'd share that. This year I had my taxes completely ready, with the exception of things that come in the mail, by January 2nd. Praise God for his goodness in teaching me more about diligence and discipline in the past year.

So, today is the day to read Proverbs 15, if you haven't yet! READ IT! Enjoy God's words for you today & share your thoughts with the rest of us!!!

Let's just touch base on 15:1. We could spend all day, all night, and well, let's be honest....the rest of our 2009 striving to live out this verse, and none of us may find it easy to do in all circumstances.

A soft answer turneth away wrath. but grievous words stir up anger.

Do you find it easy to live this out?

When you are talking with your children, and nearly at the end of our short rope that is extended with God's grace, are you quick to speak quietly & softly?

Example: When I am trying to do a quick post, or answer email, or even pay bills on the computer, I struggle with my attention span. I can barely make it through if there is ANY noise whatsover. Because of this, I try to find time to do it when the children are upstairs, downstairs, or far away from any stairs that are close to my whereabouts. Today when I decided to jot this down quickly, Ethan decided to find a seat on the couch close by. I asked him to quiet himself in order for Mommy to concentrate about 7 times before I lost my temper and shouted at him to remove himself from my sight.

OOOOH - yeap, I did that. Now, don't go callin' CPS just yet. He will heal from Mommy's temper tantrum, however, I will now have to deal with his anger the rest of the day.

The 7 times I tried to quietly explain I needed him to be still, hadn't solved the problem. I even explained how hard it is for Mommy's brain to concentrate when it is quiet, much less when he is wrestling with the dog & squeeking the squeeky toy by my feet. But, as any 8 year old boy, sitting on the couch watching your mother ignore you to type, isn't easy to do!

I will be challenged today to speak softly.

I pray you will be, too.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Proberbs 14

So we read some Proverbs this evening. Well, Greg did. We listened. Well, me and Ethan listened. Emma kept getting in trouble for playing with Pugly.

Greg suggested we ready some Bible Stories to her. We got out our Egermeier's Bible Story book and read about Jesus' healing the blind, dumb, deaf, and possessed. I can't believe Ethan and Emma didn't say anything about the dumb.

Anyone have suggestions for other books who help our little one's grasp God's miracles?

Also, in our service tonight, we studied on passion. Some said passionate people act proud. I have never heard pride mentioned in a good way. I've always read, and always been taught, that pride means we had something to do with the goodness. If we believe that only God is the goodness, then there is no room for pride.

However, many in the crowd agreed that there is a good and bad pride.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Has a month really gone by?

Alright, I confess, I have not been spending near as much time on the laptop the past 4 weeks. So, imagine my surprise when I realized it has been a month since I posted my last blog!

We are continuing are daily Proverbs reading, although there have been days that the breakfast reading doesn't get read until the after dinner reading...going to work on that.

This is going to be a quick one, as Greg is just about done brushing his teeth, and we are going to enjoy watching the lightning for a few moments before finding slumber.

My leg is doing WONDERFUL! I am 6 weeks ahead of schedule, doing yoga, jogging on the elliptical, lifting weights, doing lots of stretching, and enjoying getting up and down steps easier.

We listed the house with a realtor, and we are currently in negotiations with hopes of closing and moving by June 1st.

Ethan is finishing up 2nd grade schooling, and Emma is working on her reading.

I am spending lots of time cleaning out rooms, preparing for yard sales, and imagining how I will function in a different home.

I've moved 7 times in my life. At age 20, Ethan and I moved in with my sister Indy and her husband for 2 months. We then moved back to my parents. Three months later, we moved to a small home in Stanaford. Six months later, we moved back in with my parents. Fourteen months later, we moved into an apartment on N Sandbranch Rd. Greg and I were married, Emma was born, and a year later we moved into his parents for 2 months until finally our home was finished, and we moved in here!

Needless to say, all of the other moves were done in one day and were very easy. Packing was a breeze, there was a minimal amount of belongings, and it just wasn't that bad.

However, this will be different story. Greg has lived here all of his 32 years, with the exception of one year when he grabbed his clothes and his toothbrush the day after we were married in order to move in the apartment.

I'll try to do a better job of blogging this promises!